th3 K03r

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Telecon Interview..

Tadi pagi menjelang siang, sekitar jam 10.30 ada telepon masuk ke enpon w300i dengan caller ID "Unknown".

Perasaan pertama kali nerima telepon itu : "iseng banget sih nelepon pake private number"... tapi aneh nya sewaktu diangkat koneksinya seperti terputus tanpa ada suara, dan yang makin bikin penasaran nelponnya niat banget gitu sampe 3 kali berturut-turut yang mana panggilan terakhir baru kedengaran suara penelepon.

Gw : Halo...?
unknown : it Andy speaking?
Gw : **wah tumben nih ada orang londo nelepon enpon aku :-D" Yeah it is correct, I'm Andy.
***perasaan saat itu, mudah-mudahan gw dipanggil sama APNIC ato newzeland telecom :D.
unknown : Owch... I'm **bla-bla ga jelas** from Emerio Malaysia, I've seen your CV that publish on, and I'm interesting with your qualification.
Gw : **yah.....malaysia C___D". eheh...?
unknown : please give me some information about what your responsibility now?
Gw: **ngomong panjang lebar, pake bahasa inggris yang belepetan...., cape banget loh ngomong bahasa inggris di telepon, karena ucapan kita ga bisa ditambahin dengan gerakan-gerakan TARZAN yang bisa bikin tuh londo ngerti.
unknown : Ok, have experience with Call Center technical support?
Gw : Nope, why?
unknown : we are offering you vacancy for Call Center in malaysia. how much sallary do you ern each month?
Gw : **sumpah ini bohon abiesss, jd jangan pada minta traktir ya...:-D" 5million Indonesian Rupiah :-D **sejak kapan yah gw dapet gaji segitu :-P.
unknown : Hmmm ok, if you interesting for this possition I'll send an email that you must fill the form. Do you have passport?
Gw : yes I've one **emang gw punya kewarganegaraan lain apa...? jelas lah cuma punya satu passport :-D
unknown : Ok, i'll send the email now and i hope reciept reply at 13.00
Gw : ok.

Langsung lah aku cek email, dan langsung muncul email yang dikirimkan oleh Mr. Bhupender Singh (ah...india lagi,india lagi C__D)

dan disitu juga tertulis requirement beserta job desk nya :

About Us

Emerio Corporation is one of Singapore ’s fastest growing independent IT Outsourcing companies focused on Application and Infrastructure Management Services with over 1000 employees spread across ten countries ( Singapore , Malaysia , Thailand , India , China , Indonesia , Philippines , United States , United Kingdom , and Germany ). Emerio’s track record of successful deliveries has been the single pivotal factor for its growth - reflected in its customer retention track record, with over 80 percent repeat orders. Some of the world’s leading companies in varied industries like financial services, logistics and manufacturing have leveraged Emerio’s globally networked delivery model to maximize their returns. For more details, log onto

Job Description:

Position: Technical Support Executive

Exp: 1+ Yrs

Location: Malaysia

Client: DELL

• Provide 1st Level Technical Support (diagnosis & troubleshoot) to customers via telephone, computer systems & software systems within standard time frames
• Always shows sense of urgency in answering customer call and resolving customer issue

• Maintain accurate call logging and tracking into Helpdesk database

•Degree in Computer Science / IT related discipline with at least 1 year related working experience
•Advance Diploma/Diploma holders in Computer Science/IT related discipline with a minimum of 3 years working experience in providing direct support to end-users either in customer service/field engineering or corporate help desk are also encouraged to apply
•Possess excellent communication skills and the ability to work with diverse range of people with varying levels of technical understanding and ability in international environment
•Strong understanding and technical ability for PC, Software systems and applications

•Speak, read and write proficiently in English, Bahasa Indonesian.
•Able to work rotating shifts including 24X7

akhirnya aku isi juga lah form isian dan juga aku bales emailnya sambil attach CV terbaru...

Ga lama kemudian si unknown itu nelepon lagi :
unknown : hellow Andy!
Gw : Yaps
unknown : I think you did not fill the form well, because I need your passport number not only your Identity Card number
Gw : **ya iya lah....secara gitu loch gw kan ga bawa-bawa passport ke kantor, emang gw turis apa..." Yups i'm sorry about that.
unknown : Ok, I'll waiting your complete passport number tomorrow at 10 o'clock and what time you can provide for Interview teleconf ?
Gw : ok I'll send you my passport details at 10
unknown : Ok I've set your interview teleconf at 14.00 Indonesian time. and by the way we are offering you 7 milion Indonesian Rupiah each mounth.
Gw : hmmm ok. Thank you

whooooo Call center di kasih 7 juta.... yah males aja...:-P, malaysia ini (males ada rela nya)

Klo Aussie ato NewZeland yg akan aku tolak nih :D

walopun disini digaji lebih dikit tapi gengsi jabatan masih lebih tinggi :-D

sarannya donk... :-D