th3 K03r

Saturday, February 25, 2006


hey............what a nice weather this morning

but look at my pic
, token saturday morning (just woke up @ my office)'s so mussy

Friday, February 24, 2006

business card.......... :-)

head side..........

back side..........

i'll litle bit "
narsis" here............ coz this is my first business card :-) *mmmm......i think it's not coz i've one when i'm a collage student, but it's not from a valid institution*

look at my business card, i think it's cool........................... :-), it's not it???

Thursday, February 23, 2006

smtp mokat..........???

kemaren pagi aku dapet email dari ketua APJII... isinya begono:
Sudah 2 hari saya tidak menerima email apapun dari milis APJII. Mohon di
check apakah sy masih terdaftar di Atau tempat saya
yg lagi error?

Terima kasih,
emang sih, aku dah merasa dari jum'at ada yang aneh dengan mail serever APJII......spam yang masuk nauzubillah banyaknya...........sampe pusing aku moderatorin millis APJII blon lagi yang masuk ke acount aku.....

puncaknya sih emang kemaren itu, pengurus" pada tanya kok saya gak dapet email ya 3 hari ini dari APJII, padahal sih standard nya para pengurus dan staff APJII tuh nerima paling sedikit sekitar 100 biji email.........

akhirnya lah si khoer yang pengetahuan FreeBSD cetek plus ke gagapannya di q-mail....*lengkaplah sudah penderitaan mu nak......* coba" betulin tuh mailserver. dari mulai jam 8.30 ampe jam 12.00 wib dengan perlengkapan:

  • baju tipis lengan panjang digulung + dibalur jaket hitam tipis n' celana jeans
  • notebook acer *punya APJII*
  • monitor antah berantah.....
  • keyboard yang spacebarnya kaga jalan.....
akhirnya jalan juga tuh mail server........ berkat YM (dijalanin di notebook) ama admin yang lama *thanks guy*

gila coy email yang ngantri ampe 325 biji..........*segini sih blon parah" amat dr pada prsh yang lama, yang klo emailnya ngadat bisa ampe 1 juta biji email yang ngantri* ya tapi tetep aja nunggu terkirim semua sampe 1 harian........
tp alhamdulillah aku mendapatkan pelajaran baru dlm cara" penanganan qmail........ sekali lagi thanks guy

what is APRICOT ???

The mission of the Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies (APRICOT) is to provide a forum for those key Internet builders in the region to learn from their peers and other leaders in the Internet community from around the world.
  • APRICOT's mission is to develop and advance the skills and understanding necessary to grow a robust Internet infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region. APRICOT is about bringing the world's top Internet experts together with those who can most benefit from their knowledge.
  • APRICOT attendees are the key builders of Asia's Internet. Many of the world's best Internet engineers attend APRICOT either to teach, present or do their own human networking.
  • APRICOT provides its sponsors the chance to participate in a quality, content-rich event with excellent opportunities to target their products and services at the decision-makers in the Asia Pacific Internet community.
  • APRICOT's primary goal is to provide a vehicle for the transfer of technology and techniques to the Asia and Pacific Rim region. As such, our attendance fees are set below those of the more promotionally orientated conferences and in fact are set to match the fees found at many similar Internet Operator Group meetings.
  • APRICOT is an activity supported by various Asia Pacific Internet organisations as well as numerous individuals who give freely of their time and talent, and is not a commercial profit making venture. Any surplus funds are rolled over to keep attendance fees low at the next APRICOT event and support outreach activities in the less developed areas of the Asia and Pacific region.
we do not need your money, but just your voices for APRICOT 2007 in Bali Indonesia

" learn, share,
discuss, work
enjoy & layback
under the sun of
Bali island...."

aku kecapean :-( minggu-minggu melelahkan......

wuih......dah 2 minggu lewat nih aku gak posting.............

memang akhir" ini tingkat pekerjaan di BPH APJII meningkat seiring persiapan lobi buat APRICOT2007 di Bali........mana staf sekretariat tinggal 3 orang (1 tek. support, 1 sekretaris, 1 manager IDNIC), akhirnya dengan sukarela awak ni yang tek. support ngerjain administrasi juga, dari yang buat surat ke Depkominfo + Dirjen Postel, surat permohonan dukungan dari IM2 + XL + Telkomsel, draft MOU IM2 + XL......ditambah update web apricot2007 di hosting yang baru juga macetnya smtp (kejadiannya kemaren).........

n' mulai hari senen kemaren staff APJII juga tinggal 2 orang, yang 1 lagi (manager IDNIC) dah pegi ke perth Australia buat menjadi volunteer apricot2006......

oh ya......kesibukan ini dikarenakan terancam batalnya apricot2007 Bali-Indonesia karena travel warning dari negara" tetangga............

Jadi mohon dukungannya agar apricot2007 tetap diadakan di Bali dengan menampilkan logo
apricot2007 pada blog masing-masing........juga kalau bisa dikasih link ke