th3 K03r

Monday, January 14, 2008

APRICOT 2008 Conference paper accepted

Pagi-pagi waktu sampe kantor langsung keluarin laptop dari tas, nyalain dan langsung sambungin kabel LAN.

Next step buka email client ThunderBird, tapi kok ga bisa nyambung ya...?

*Mulai panik*

Buka command windows trus ping ke Status OK (berarti routing sip tanpa ada masalah).

Lanjutnya ping ke, status cannot resolve. DNS query faild (berarti ada masalah di NS nya).

Check server NS masih bisa respon tapi waktu service Bind9 di-restart ada errornya (berarti masalah utama di configurasi NS nya).

Lanjut edit file named.conf yang ada di /etc/bind/named.conf (perbaiki beberapa bagian yang emang salah konfig ). Kemudian restart service nya dengan command sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart

Status OK (problem solved).

Karena status NS dah OK, mulailah email-email yang dah 2 (dua) hari ga di-download masuk ke ThunderBird.

Dari ratusan email masuk, ada satu yang sangat menarik perhatian dengan subject : APRICOT 2008 Conference paper accepted.

dengan isi email :

Andy Kurniawan

Thank you very much for taking time to submit a Conference paper for
APRICOT 2008. We have had a very positive response from the community and
there have been a large number of submissions.

The Program Committee are delighted to inform you that they have agreed to
include your submission entitled 'Indonesia Internet eXchange (IIX)
Development Update' for the 'Internet Provider Relationships'.

Please see the APRICOT 2008 websites for exact timing information of your
presentation. We would like to remind you that your final slides must be
submitted by the 2008-01-30 for your presentation to be included in the

You are very welcome to write to the APRICOT 2008 Program Committee
should you have any questions.

Thank you.

APRICOT 2008 Program Committee

Wah berarti kabar baik nih, proposal presentasi yang aku submit ke APRICOT 2008 telah disetujui, dan berarti "JALAN-JALAN LAGI" .

*mudah-mudahan 'jalan-jalan' kali ini lebih menyenangkan dari pada 'jalan-jalan' ke India


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